We all know that here in the Philippines, the number one problem is POVERTY.
Many people are suffering from malnutrition and hunger especially on squatter areas, because of lack of food and money.
But there is a solution on this very hard problem of each person who are suffering from this. We, we are the one to start eating nutritious foods. We can do big for them. We help each other. We are the solution. We are the one who will end this.
But there is a solution on this very hard problem of each person who are suffering from this. We, we are the one to start eating nutritious foods. We can do big for them. We help each other. We are the solution. We are the one who will end this.
Each of us must cooperate and listen to one's opinion on how we can solve this very big problem here in Philippines. If I will have just the power to create an organization for those people, I will. One of the plans maybe is each can donate a money even just a little amount just to help or anything that we can sell to buy food of those who are needing.
We are the one to start this right, and now end this up.